Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Dear Students,

We have come to the end of the semester and this is a brief note to bid you farewell. I would like to wish you the best in all your undertakings in the future. I hope you have enjoyed the reading class and the class blog. I must say that I am very happy you have learnt about blogging so quickly - I was just lucky to teach a group of 
intelligent bloggers in my class. Once you leave the class you can still have access to the class blog and all the material and links provided for you. You are very welcome to keep your student blogs active if you wish.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dear EFS Students,

Reading and responding to a biography essay Assessment Task is next week 9th June, 2016.
We have practised the biography structure, language and grammar. You will be asked to
- read a biography of a famous person
- create a time line
- identify turning points and achievements
- answer strategic questions


Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Read a biography of a famous Australian (your choice) and list the turning points and achievements.  
Please complete it by Sunday 29th May. Thanks

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Sometimes, a biography describes a person's life from birth to death. At other times, the writer concentrates on a particular period in a person's life. We will be reading biographies of famous Australians and other people. We will be practising completing a time line, making notes of key points as events, turning points and achievements.

Assessment Task - Reading a Biography of a Famous Person


  • Read a Biography of a famous Australian from Koori History and do the timeline
  • Read Fred Hollow's biography and do the timeline


Turning points and Achievements (BIO)
  • Read Nelson Mandela's Biography and identify the turning points and achievements. List them in two groups in one new post in your blog. When you finish we will have an open class discussion.
  • Read a biography of your choice and identify the turning points and achievements as above.